
Friday, January 29, 2010

Pink Saturday...

For todays Pink Saturday, I thought I'd show you what I've been doing in the cottage...

starting the pink and white checkered floor...

I still need to paint the white checkers, you are probably thinking why didn't I paint the whole floor white and then add the pink...I used a good primer first, the porch paint is kinda expensive, and I make alot of booboos, so I decided to just do it square by square, just in case. I bought the Behr porch and floor paint in a great shade of pink..."Be Mine" what a great name. Sorry, the picture is dark, it is still cloudy outside. Hopefully next week I will be done with the floor. Have a great weekend and be sure to go say "hi" to Beverly and all the other pink participents.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Silly Kitty...

Don't you just love pets...they bring sooooo much joy into our lives...

our kitty loves to be pushed in the doll stroller...

he is 10 years old and has been getting rides since he was a baby, he barely fits, but he loves it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

White Wednseday...

I was on the Country Living website and found these gorgeous white rooms...

in all these photos, I love how there is some rustic browns...


I love the color of the walls with the whites, there are definitly no kids living what a cute pillow under the table....only three more days till the weekend!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday's Treasures...

Tuesdsay's treasures...

some tags I finished...

and gorgeous vintage baubles, I will be listing these and some beautiful vintage linens.

Monday, January 25, 2010


It's another gloomy day, so I thought I would bake some giant cupcakes...

and frost them in spring colors...

I thought I would show you how pretty they came out before the "inhalers" get home from school.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pink Saturday...

Happy Pink yummie Saturday...hosted by Beverly...
sweet marshmellow hearts...these smell soooooo good...

conversation hearts...

these are the cutest ever, marshmellow lolli-pops...all from the Dollar Tree...

all ready for secret...get candy your kids don't a wonderful weekend!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Candle light....

The one good thing about all this rain and gloomy weather...

is lighting candles...makes a gloomy day just a little bit brighter!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

White Wednesday...

Last Friday the sun was out for the day, so we hurried and finished priming...
the wood on the outside just sucked the paint right up...

inside the larger room...

inside the smaller room...

loving all the shelves...

we primered the floors and walls, and it still didn't cover this wood, this wood was 1/2 cost of everything else, but I will have to use more paint. I thought I would like the white look, but I like color to much...

so I think I will put this up in the larger room, I have 6 rolls of this, I have had it for eight years, why, who knows! I think its a little to colorful for what I want so I am going to experiment and see if I can white wash it, to tone it down and make it look older. I am so anxious to work out there but we have had rain since Saturday, and it looks like the rest of the week. Have a wonderful Wednesday, and go by and visit our host at Faded Charm for more gorgeous whites.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Loved it...

We loved this movie, lots of action, bad guys getting what they deserve, and a great story!!!

after the movie we went and donated our hygiene supplies and of course being animal lovers some goodies for the dogs...what would we do without the dollar store....

we ended up giving $80.00 dollars worth of stuff and alot of things like shavers and toothbrushes came in packs of 6 and 8. When we met my friend she told us they had been broke into the night before and had items stolen....people!
I hope you are all off to a good week, its been rainy, windy and gloomy here.

Monday, January 18, 2010


I love to solder, it is sooooo fun. Now I am not the best, but I really enjoy it....
Since today is a holiday and the kids are out of school we are going to the movies to watch "The Book of Eli" it looks really good...I will let you know. First thou we are going to the Dollar Store to buy hygien supplies for the homeless. One of my friends runs that part of the church and I thought it was a great idea for the kids to give back. Have a wonderful day off!!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pink Saturday...

Can you believe another week went by...and I know this weekend will fly by faster...
I just want to say thank you to Beverly for hosting Pink Saturday, its hard work, so go by and say "hi"...
some chocolate cupcake tags with pink sprinkles...

and some pink baby hangers I finished. I will be listing these this weekend. Hope all of you have a wonderful weekend!!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Okay its official...I am now the shortest person in my house.....
look at that sweet face, how can she be taller than me...where did the time go. Oh, yea, she thinks its funny, just like the boys, Ha ha, mom's short. Now she is only 1/2 inch taller, but to her, it might as well be inches, which it probalbly will be. I never thought as myself as short, I am 5'6" but amoung these giants living in my house...
Well, to say I am sad is an understatement....she is my baby...where does the time go...I wish I could stop time, she is ten and I think I would like to keep her that age, still fun, still likes to play and color...okay, I am done, I am just getting too your babies!!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


These last few days have been crazy...the kids sports are running me ragged!!!! I am behind on everything. I just want to let all the women who work outside the home and do all the kids stuff and home have my RESPECT! I can barely do it, I have no idea how you do it all. I am definitly having blogging withdrawls, I haven't visited everyone, I feel like I am missing all this good the sun finally came out yesterday so we started primering the cottage...
this is my Dad helping me out...ok, helping, but he won't let me have a turn...

this is where we stopped, time for me to take children to if it's not foggy(again, sooooo tired of this fog) we will finish priming....oh, and I picked out the prettiest pink!!! Hope you are all having a good week, sorry if I haven't visited in awhile. I will try to stop by.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pink Saturday...

Happy Pink Saturday...this is my first Pink Saturday of the New Year. So I am just showing some of my favorite pinks from last year...

my pink roses...who I am really missing right now...

it has been foggy and gloomy for six days...and cold. Not as cold as alot of you in the snow, but at least snow is pretty to look at, fog is just grey and ugly.

a pink heart...

and the very best pink ever...a love note!!! Have a wonderful day, hopefully with a little sunshine.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


This is how it looks today...
so much has been, door, sideing...

this is the view as you look in the door. I had a small wall put in to make it two spaces. This space to the right is filled with shelves and a workbench that goes all the way around...

this is the side to the left, a shelf goes around the top. More shelves, the better!!! I seriously cannot believe I am getting this. Do you think because my husband loves me, or he is just tired of all my clutter all over the house? hmmm

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tuesday's Treasures...

Just some of the treasures I will be listing this week...

gorgeous vintage silver...

and of course some pink...little jack and jill glasses. Have a great day!!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


You know how I am dreaming of a pink cottage...

this would be nice..

oh, with pink checkered floors...

right here is a good place...

well, guess what....I am having a little studio built... where glitter can be on the floor anytime...

oh, my walls...

and this is where its at now....I am sooooooo excited. Maybe I can even get my car in the garage after I move all my stuff out. And maybe I will be able to get into my
And I am going to paint it pink!!!! I don't care what anybody says (my new years theme...don't worry about what other people think)

Friday, January 1, 2010


"Amour" Valentines Swap...
Well I am going to do my FIRST swap...and I thought this would be the one. I love Valentines day. Cathy @ Treasured Heirlooms is hosting this swap, go over and sign up, it really sounds like fun. I have never done a swap, I guess just nervous, what if they think....yuk. But its the New Year and I am going for it...maybe one of you will be my swap partner. Click on the logo on my sidebar to go sign up.