
Friday, April 30, 2010

Pink Saturday...

Happy Pink Saturday, I picked some of my most favorite roses from my garden...

and put them in my most favorite vase...

just gorgeous...

and of course I used pink clippers!!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, thank you Beverly for hosting this special day!!!!

update....some of you have asked what kind of roses are these...I honestly don't know...there is this small nursery way out in the country, I bought six of these five years ago because I fell in love with the rose.  Well there were no tags and they didn't speak English, so it didn't matter to me I got them anyway...if any one has a name let me know...thanks.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Cottage Life...

Cottage Life...

the only life for me!

I am joining My Romantic Home's show and tell Friday.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

upcoming FUN!!!!

Are you ready for some fun!!!!

 then mark your calenders for Karen from My Dessert Cottage Where Women Create...either join the party and show off your work space or just come by for inspiration!!!  I will reveal my Pink Craft Cottage on that day....with lots of door prizes...Too much FUN!!!

here is a picture of Karens work space...gorgeous!!!

then another fun time is Twice Remember's Cottage Charm Giveaway!!!!!

last year there were 68 giveaways!!! you can join in the fun and have a giveaway...or, just enter them.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday's Treasures...

Tuesday's Treasures...

vintage style...

old rosary...

vintage pearls...
these are the treasures that will be listed today...if you would like to show some of your treasures for sale, just link up...

Monday, April 26, 2010

new friends...

well this weekend I went in search for some new friends...

at the best place ever...the nursery!!!

this nursery has sooo many things for your garden...

these are like monster koi, some are 2 1/2 feet long...

these are really popular in Calif., but really expensive... section...

and here are the new friends that are coming with now you now what I will be doing today...have a wonderful day!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Pink Saturday...

For this Pink Saturday, hosted by sweet Beverly of How Sweet the Sound , I would like to introduce you to Miss Cecil Brunner....I showed her as one of my first posts...

she is a wild one...

she puts on this gorgeous display once a year...

but will still have rose through out the season...

she has almost covered our chain link fence around our backyard...

view from behind the yard...

over the arbor to the play yard...

so many blooms...

she is a fast grower but has to be tamed twice a year with a hedger!!!  Hope you are enjoying your pink weekend


Well thanks to my Z-pack I am feeling better, thanks for the well wishes!!!!
I think as we get older we truly want to help I was talking to my kids and we talked to a food pantry where they give food to the needy...

and we decided to grow a garden and donate the vegetables...sometimes its hard to give money so we thought this was a way we could help...

I think anyone can find a little room to grow something...I think it is important to teach our children to give, because you never know when you might need some help.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

So Sweet...

Yesterday as I was feeling sorry for myself and then being mad for feeling sorry for myself, the mail lady came up to the door with a package...I answered trying not to cough on her...

I opened the package and here is what was inside all wrapped up soooooo cute...

this gorgeous sign for my craft cottage...Lulu from Coastal Sisters sent me this gift, just because!!!

I have never got a gift for "just because" ...wasn't that the sweetest ever, I was so touched that I got teary eyed, which then led to more coughing but it was worth it...thank you sooooo much Lulu I am going to find the perfect spot and will treasure it always!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Oh, how I love to garden, I have been planting away.

but every year around this time...

he moves in...YUK...I hate it, he is just ruining my week!!!!  us moms really don't have time to be sick!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday's Treasures...

This is what I have for today's treasures...

lots of pretties...

vintage beaded purse...

pretty vintage bracelet...

vintage spring necklace...

romantic vintage mirror...
I will be listing these in the shop today.

I thought I would add a linky so all of you who have shops, etsy, ebay, can link up on Tuesday's with your newly listed items.  I have never added a linky, so we will see if I did it thought it would be fun, I hate when you see a treasure in someones shop and its sold, this way we can see right when its listed.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Well I guess you can say I have a collection...

I have been picking up bottles at different places for years...

but they all were in different boxes...

so this weekend I started putting them all on a shelf in the cottage...

and really didn't realize how many I had!!!!  I think my favorites are the ones with rust and stains.