
Friday, October 29, 2010

Pink Saturday...

Hope you have a safe and Happy Halloween...
here is some images for you,
with a little pink...
just click to enlarge then copy.

be safe!
be sure to go say "boo" to Beverly and all the pink spooksters!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


so do you love rust?....I do, don't really know why.
just wanted to share some pictures I had taken last fall of farming rust.  It reminds me of fall...

Don't they make you feel like fall.
I have more that I will share next week.
I am on a roll in the shop, I have listed over twenty new items and I am not stopping, I really need to make a dent in my storage...hahaha, I know alot of you know what I mean! 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tuesday's Treasures...

 For today's treasures I have some vintage camera's...

and I am starting to add Christmas...

I just really can't believe its almost Christmas...this year is just flying by!


Have you ever visited Avalon Rose Market Place?  Its a wonderful site where you can find beautiful shops...

I am being featured this week!
she makes your site look so good!
Catherine is super talented and designs websites.
if you already have a website and would like to advertise there, go stop by!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pink Saturday...

This weather has been the best!!!! feels like Spring, everything in the garden is just blooming away...

the roses are blooming away...

so are the Hydranges...

and the pansies are looking happy, I wish this weather could stay like this forever!!!!
Have a wonderful Saturday and go by and visit our host

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I just love Mum's, they are so inexpensive and they come back every year!

lovin' these white ones...

that bunny has a little attitude!...

they look like daisey's...

sweet heart shaped morning glory leaf...

have a wonderful day!!!!

I am joining

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I am late for Tuesday's Treasures...
here are some of the treasures I will be listing tomorrow...

vintage photo corners...

vintage silver...

old pictures...

vintage black amethst plate and creamer...

vintage stereo photos...
this week is already flying by...hope its being good to you!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!!

Happy Birthday....big 15!!!!

today is my middle son's fifteenth birthday, yesterday we had his party...
he said he just wanted some friends over to play...

wiffle ball, they love this game!!!

then they went next door to my parents house and got to make pizza's, my dad has an outdoor pizza oven, they had so much fun they ended up making 10 know what we are having for dinner tonight!


having fun...I am so proud of the group of kids my sons hang out with!!! they prove you can have fun without drinking!

so Happy Bithday!!!! and many more!!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

pink and blooming....

lots of pinks blooming in so many shades this week...

hope you all have a wonderful Pink Saturday...go by and visit all the pink ladies at Beverly's
and remember to pray for a cure!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

White Wednseday...

I am joining Faded Charm for White Wednsday....the place to get so much inspiration that you want to redo your home all white!!!

last year my mom was weeding and had a huge pile of these going in the trash, I took some and put them in the cracks of rocks in my pond, they have grown so beautifully, of course I don't know the name...haha, I just thought they were pretty...

hope you are having a beautiful day!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tricks or Treats...

Here are some faux treats for Halloween...

shabby pops in black...

or orange...

faux Halloween cupcake tags...

and faux frosting cookies to match...

the fun thing with these frosting cookies, you can put them on top of a small cupcake liner and you have instant faux cupcakes!

Friday, October 8, 2010

fall decorating...

Well I filled my carriage with flowers and pumpkins...

faux pumpkins, they are lighter and last longer...

just what I pictured in my mind...

I decorated around the door for fall, of course using pinks...

a chippy pink chair...

hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!!
