
Monday, February 3, 2014

Hello Stranger!

Wow, it has been along time since I was on my blog!!!!
now that I am a working gal!!!
our shop is doing wonderful and it is really keeping me busy, lots of creating....which I love!!!
just wish there were more hours in the day!
here is a project I did at Christmas time, I needed something pretty to display jewelry on...

I had this foam dress form...

I like foam because you can pin items on her...
so I went to all my vintage lace and doilies and started cutting and gluing...

an vintage slip for the bottom

pinned on some pretty feather wings..

and added my jewelry!

I am joining these parties

 Knick of Time's, Tuesday's
Cozy Little House's, Tweak it Tuesday
Coastal Charms. Nifty Thrifty Tuesday's
The Ironstone Nest's, Transformation Tuesday's
Savvy Southern Style's, Wow Us Wednesday's
Ivy and Elephant's, What's It Wednesday's 
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olsen's, Share your cup Thursday's
The Shabby Creek Cottage's. Trasnsformation Thursday's
french Country's Feathered Nest Friday's
My Romantic HomesShow and Tell Friday's
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating's Flaunt it Fridays
The Charm of Home's, Home Sweet Home
Common Ground's, Vintage Inspiration Friday
Rooted In Time's, Simple and Sweet Friday's