
Friday, June 17, 2011


here is my sweet fountain...

I was filling it up this morning, because my dogs think it is there water dish...

and this little guy was soaking...

he is soooo colorful, I haven't seen one this color here before,
well he has been captured to show Grandpa, then will be returned.

I am joining...
Romantic Home's Show and Tell Friday's
The Charm of Home's Home Sweet Home


  1. Oh my your fountain and your froggie. A big old FAT FAT FAT TOAD just nearly hopped into my house last night! My screams didn't scare him away but they woke up my neighbor!


  2. The little froggy is a gorgeous colour, how lovely to find him in your fountain. Is it going to be his permanent home now?

  3. I love your fountain....darling. Did you get it in a garden store? Susan

  4. What a fun surprise! Good thing your dogs didn't think he was a snack in their bowl! :-)


  5. I love your fountain, it's so pretty!

    Those little guys pop up all over the pace around here and always scare me! LOL!

    I've never seen one that color but you can keep him.


  6. Love your fountain, and that little frog is too cute. I'm not afraid of frogs but they always make me shriek when they pop out when I'm doing work in my garden.

  7. Your fountain is gorgeous! I love your beautiful pictures! X

  8. Come on over to my blog as I am having a Southern Belle Giveaway!!

  9. A beautiful fountain and pics! I love it when we get a glimpse of nature, except when I see a snake in the garden :).
    I love your blog and have been catching up on some of your posts. Congrats on being featured in Romantic Homes magazine; it is one of my favs!
    I also love roses, and I'm having a vintage rose giveaway if you want to check it out.
    Have a great weekend!
    ~ Julie

  10. Hello Stefanie....Thanks for your visit, comment, and email. I checked that store and it's only available in California, I think. But thanks. Love the fountain. Come to visit any time. Susan

  11. Hi Stefanie,

    Wow! How cool is that? Believe me, it is better that what our dogs think is their "water bowl". lol

    What a lovely fountain.

    Beautiful as always.



  12. Hello Stefanie,
    Love the fountain and your blog. Thanks so much for visiting me and becoming a follower. I'm following you back.

  13. Beautiful shots of your fountain! So refreshing on a summer day! And such a fun surprise!

  14. Hi Stefanie! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comment! Amazing what a litle rusty chicken wire will do for a room, huh? lol! Love your little visitor! I built a small pond by our deck and every summer we end up with about 15 frogs of various colors residing in it. Hard to keep it from turning green....but it's worth it. They croak away all evening long and we love that they feel safe there! :)

    xoxo laurie

  15. What a beautiful fountain and I love your little visitor. Thanks for linking this up at Home Sweet Home!
