
Friday, February 18, 2011


No, I dont't think so,
but my children think they are, they are always telling me how creepy they are, even the girls at the shop I have a booth at think they are creepy too...
I just think they are crazy, they are gorgeous!!!!
I have about six, but boy would I like more...

wow, like all of these,
they are up for bid on ebay, they have about six hours left, but the price is already $177.00
whew, to much for me!!!!
I think they would be great in jars or under a cloche...
I even have taken pictures of mine and made some necklaces....
I love to solder,
I am not the best, but I don't even care,
its sooooo much fun!!!!

see she is pretty...

heres the back,
of course I had to add alittle bit of pink...



ahhh, look at that face...

well, if you are not creeped out and would like one of these,
just let me know!!!
I am giving away all three,
I will pick three winners and anounce the winners next Saturday.
Just leave me a comment, thats it.

I am joining Romantic Homes Show and Tell Friday's



  1. I THOUGHT u were selling them and I was headed over..I M sooo with u on this one I LOVE THE HEADS and creepy body parts too. I just bought some dolls off of Etsy to make some jewelry..I have never soldered so...I admire those who do and U BET......I WANT TO WIN A NECKLACE WITH A DOLL HEAD!!!!! Sheri

  2. Creepy??? not on your life!! I love them and would be thrilled to win one of your creations!! :)

  3. I must be creepy then ,I love old doll heads! Cute necklaces. $177 for heads makes one wonder what they are going to do with them.

  4. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Well...we all appreciate art in different ways...
    You did a fabulous job with these designs!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  5. I think the doll heads are really cute. And your necklaces are absolutely beautiful!


  6. No, not creepy, at least I don't think so. I look at those vintage heads and see what could be. Lots of beautiful, what a find. Congratulations on the bidding, that is great. Someone knows a good thing when they see it, Char

  7. I don't see them as creepy per se. Not really my thing, but I don't see the creepy element here at all. Happy PS

  8. Eeeeeeeeeek! I love the Charlotte heads!

    Happy Friday!


  9. Yes Pleasssseeeee ! and I made my own because the price of the real doll head is over my price range....I have my fingers crossed and my toes... wishing , hoping and dreaming... hugs wendy

  10. Oh they are just gorgeous and Oh please pick me to join my dolly collection :)

    FYI: I am redressing one of these lovelies whom still happens to be in complete doll form for my elderly neighbor...Her doll is over 100yrs old and was given to her when she was a child (she is now 86)by her aunty who had it when she was a little girl...I have found the perfect fabric, just need to find the right trim to go with it.

    Blessings Kelsie

  11. They don't creep me out. They are lovely looking in necklace form.

  12. Stefanie, your necklaces are beautiful. I love the frozen Charlotte heads!! I just acquired my very first one, and I'm so excited!

  13. Actually, Stefanie, I think they are adorable. They'd look good on me ...

    Happy PS weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  14. Happy Pink Saturday Stefanie Sweetie...
    Oh my gosh, are these little gals ever precious or what? I love the little necklaces. I would so love to have one. Please enter my name into the drawing.

    I have wanted to learn to solder, but haven't had the courage yet. You have SO inspired me to want to learn.

    If a dolly comes to my home at Country Wings she will be royalty. Thank you SO much for the wonderful opportunity.

    Please stop over and sign up for my CSN giveaway as well. I would love to have you enter.

    Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  15. My friend, Hope, loves all things (or should I say body parts) Frozen Charlotte...I don't mind the heads, but when it's just a random arm or leg that can be a bit creepy!

  16. Your necklaces are so pretty and creative!

  17. I think your necklaces are beautiful and I would love to wear one! Thank you for the chance to win one of your lovely creations-fingers crossed!


  18. Absolutely NOT creepy in the least! Your soldering only adds to the rustic beauty of the doll's charm. LOVE your necklaces, and I'd be tickled pink to win such a lovely creation made by your hands. :) xoxo

  19. OMG Stefanie, I love these doll heads, they are so beautiful. I have been collecting some for awhile now, I love what you did with them. It would be such an honor to win one. They are beautiful. I hope you sell some, they are so wonderful. I don't think they are creepy at all. I love them. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Terri

  20. They are cute, I think you have the right idea. Yes, at first with all the heads, they did look creepy, but not after seeing what you an do with them. Happy PS

  21. Not creepy at all, just lots of different expressions. I can see angry, fed up, quite serene, a hint of a smile..... Expensive little darlings, aren't they?
    Great idea using their pics in the charms, that works really well. I wouldn't mind wearing one at all ;-)

  22. Okay.....yes all together on a plate like the ebay picture....definitely CREEPY!!!! LOL!!!! but your necklaces, absolutely adorable and sweet!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE those.....oooh I would love to win one, what a sweet little giveaway, thank you for sharing, and I would love to be entered. And you know, I think even atop a cloche would be CUTE!!!!! Thanks girlie!!!!

  23. Stefanie, I almost fainted with excitement when I saw your post!!! I was thinking about how wonderful it was that you had so many doll heads and wondering where you could have found so many!!!! Wow, they really sell for that much, I could cry over how many doll heads we used to discard in doll class.......sure wish I could take them back!!!!
    I think my kids would say the same....but isn't it funny how we love them!!!
    Margaret B

  24. They are only slightly creepy when all grouped together on a platter! :) Your necklaces are beautiful and they look sweet!


  25. I like the heeds but nor for that price. Doll hears, small or large are beautiful. Your necklaces are just precious, and I would love to be in the drawing. I have been trying to learn how to sold, but up to now I am a total failure. The lead free is SO expensive and the other really stinks. Am glad to know that it is not all bay, and that maybe one day I will figure it out. Your soldering is lovely and the insides are so dear.

  26. i think there are 2 groups of us- those who find old dolls super wonderful and those who find them "creepy". i'm glad i find them wonderful as you do!

    your necklaces are fab- you must be good at cutting your own glass to make the boxes to hold them. i stink at cutting my own glass - can't seem to ever draw or cut a straight line! i like to say it's cuz my head is on crooked!


  27. I think they might be a little creepy under a but otherwise I think they are nostalgic. And I LOVE your pretty and creative! I would love to be entered in your giveaway!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  28. Those necklaces are adorable. I just love the little angel one. I would love to make something like that, but I have no idea how! Just too, too charming! Happy Pink Sat.


  29. Creepy I think not, they are so cute, You did an amazing job, I would love to win one.,
    Thanks for sharing with us and thinks for your lovely comment on my post.

    take care Tina

  30. Your pendants look gorgeous! I hope you will consider joining my "Being Creative" blog party starting tomorrow.

  31. Your necklaces are just beautiful. They mean so much since they are handmade by you. What a lovely giveaway!


  32. I like the dolls I add them to bodys .Your necklace is great. Laura

  33. WOW!! Look at all those dollie heads! Not creepy at all!! Love all of them. Amazing how each face is different with their own personality... Your necklaces are awesome too!! I am new to your blog...looking forward to checking back often....
    Have a wonderful day!!

  34. Thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower, it's always so nice to make a new friend here in blogland!
    I don't think the heads are creepy at all and yes, it does make you wonder, at $177.00, what they are going to use them for:)
    Beautiful necklaces too!


  35. Not only not creepy- GORGEOUS!! I love the mini shadow box jewelry you created!!!

  36. Hi Stefanie! I just wanted to stop by and say "thank you" for visiting my blog. You certainly have a very pretty blog, and your necklaces are lovely too!

  37. I don't think the dolls heads are creepy at all. I see them used in jewelry and in so many different ways these days.
    Oh, count me in. I'd love to be the proud owner of one of your beautiful necklaces.

  38. Creepy? NO WAY!! I love them! My granddaughter had me remove all glass eyed dolls from her bedroom here, tho!

    PLEASE enter me for a chance to win one of your beautiful necklaces ~ they are just toooo adorable!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  39. Oooo, I think they are BEAUTIFUL!! Count me in!!
    (Your blog is beautiful, too, by the way. I love all your pretty things!! :) )

  40. Love your necklaces.... One of these days I'm going to make some tooooo..... I used to do tons of stained glass so I have lots of glass and all the tools.... However...they are in a cupboard in the garage that I can't even get to right now.... YIKES!

    Warm huggies,

  41. Your necklaces look lovely to me. I too like the old dolls and have 2 different heads looking at me as I type. they are on shelves above my computer.

    I would be very happy to win one. I lso have a headless doll with a cloth body and porcelein hnds and legs that I am looking for a head for.
    I am sure there wold be one in the 177.00 group but too mch for me.



  42. I'd love to win a doll's head necklace!

  43. Creepy? Well, maybe just a little. Creative and beautiful? Absolutely!

  44. I cannot tell you how much I would love to win one of your gorgeous charlotte necklaces! My daughter thinks they are creepy but I love them!
    Thanks for the chance! karen...

  45. Nah, not creepy. I love them.
    I LOVE to solder too but I am crap at it.
