
Friday, February 11, 2011


oh, the panic has set in for my boys....

no mom...

what!!! why!!!
well this is why and what...

ok, I know its what teenagers do, but goodness, give me a break!!
its constantly buzzing, during homework ( which they say isn't a distraction, 'cause we get it done)
during dinner, TV shows, even when they are in the bathroom, oh and last night when I told them to shut there phones off, I asked my middle son where his phone my pocket!!! ok, in your pocket of your pj's in bed with you...
to much, so I told them there is going to be new rules starting today...
goodness, you would of thought I can never eat or breath again...
the panic has set in!!!!
the power of being a mom!!!!!


  1. That is too funny, love the pics!!! We were watching a movie last weekend with my oldest son and his girlfriend, I looked over at them and my son was texting back and forth thru the whole thing while his girlfriend played on the laptop...somehow in between all that they still managed to watch the movie!!! Multi-tasking in the year 2011 I guess!

  2. Very cool, my children are out of the house and we never had to deal with this phone mania all the teens have going on.. thank goodness. Good luck keep strong. Hugs, Diane

  3. Those shoes in your last post are a hoot!

    Good luck with the texting bans, Susanne.

  4. Ha ha ha, I have my phone with me 24-7, in my pocket of my PJ's too, LOL but I do turn it off when I go to bed AND not only am I texting with my nieces but I'm also on my laptop emailing, chatting on messenger while watching TV and hubby is doing the same.

  5. Good for you! It drives me crazy trying to have a conversation with my step son as he is constantly texting, Funny thing last month he had over 10,000 texts! we figured that out and it was like 333 a day! Yikes! Traci

  6. Good luck! My youngest texts constantly - my older still prefers to "talk" on the phone but I have to admit, I pretty much have my phone nearby all the time but I do turn it off at night (I need it to be fully charged are rarin' to go the next day)! Sometimes the only way I can get my kids to respond is to text them. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

  7. hahahah I agree with you! You should see he faces of my kid's friends when we tell them they can't text at the dinner table!!
    I think the fact that we couldn't send 'impulse' messages at that age was a good thing...Ok, now I sound old!lol

  8. Several years ago my daughter was dating a new fella..... (he's history now), but she spent ALL of Christmas Day texting back and forth....During dinner....while opening presents.....If she wasn't over 35 I'd have swiped the darn thing!

    Your boys will adjust..... Actually, I was just thinking, this morning, that during my lifetime, we've gone from a phone on the wall with a party line to EVERYBODY having their own phone. Utterly amazing.... They don't even know what it was like back in the stone age... :-)

    I actually found more of the pink balls after Christmas at the GW.... I'm so excited. Next year I'm going to have a ton... How fun!

    Thank so much for popping by... and thanks for the well wishes... It was good to hear from you!

    Happy Valentine's Day!!

