
Thursday, December 29, 2011

can you feel it?

can you feel the New Year coming?
are you excited, motivated, scared?
what will it bring?....
I am just hoping for the simple things....


finding chippy treasures...

some sweet rust...

more galvanized...

taking life slow and enjoying it...

lots of smooches to and from my children...

good health for everyone...
Happy New Year...
wishing all your hopes and dreams come true this year!!!!

French Country's Feathered Nest Friday's
My Romantic Homes, Show and Tell Friday's
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating's Flaunt it Fridays
The Charm of Home's, Home Sweet Home
At the Picket Fence's, Inspiration Friday
Laurie Anna's Vintage Home's, Farmhouse Friday's

Saturday, December 24, 2011

sharing Christmas...

sharing some photos of Christmas at my house....

wishing all of you a wonderful Christmas filled with new memories!!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

vintage Santa's...

Some vintage Santa faces...
some cute, scary, decide!..

Monday, December 19, 2011

rust and ornaments...

here is what I made from my rusty tins, land, and most of the images from the Graphic Fairy...

cut and glued imagaes...

added mica flakes...

old buttons...

glued some twine to the back for hanging...

I am going to tie these on my presents this year.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

want rust?

here is a quick way to make some rust....

so you have your shiny new tins and you want to make them look old....

like this...

this is what you need, I just pick mine up from the Dollar Tree...
Hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, and salt,
use a glass bowl or for alot, a glass pan, you want whatever you are rusting to be completely covered,
the ratio is about, 1cup peroxide to 1/8 cup alcohol, I don't measure, just eyeball it...
pour the peroxide and alcohol in...

then add your tin, and shake some salt on it...

you will see it start to work, just watch and take out when its the desired rustiness you like.
then I just dry it with a paper towel, that way it will rust a little more...

then you have some yummi aged rusty tins, or cookie cutters, pins,
ready for crafting...
hope this helps!

ps. when doing alot, don't be alarmed by the ugly rust colored foam on top, just shows its working.

I am joining these parties...
Savvy Southern Style's Wow Us Wednesday's
The Shabby Creek Cottage's, Transformation Thursday's
French Country's Feathered Nest Friday's
My Romantic Homes, Show and Tell Friday's
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating's Flaunt it Fridays
The Charm of Home's, Home Sweet Home
At the Picket Fence's, Inspiration Friday
Laurie Anna's Vintage Home's, Farmhouse Friday's

Monday, December 12, 2011

barbie's and Christmas Cards...

I was at Big Lots the other day and saw these new Barbie's they had, I started laughing because they reminded me of my kids...

hahaha, I thought it was so funny I bought them, of course my kids think I am weird...
so yesterday off to take Christmas card photos...

the usual goof balls...

seventy five photos,
and they just kept getting more silly,
but I love it!!!!

maybe I should just put her on the cards this year...

ok, these are the only two that came out!!!
I really love taking them out to take their pictures, its so fun, and one of the best memories of Christmas!
remember its the little things that are the most precious!