
Monday, July 2, 2012

locks of love...

Last year in March right after his baseball haircut my son told me he was going to let his hair grow and donate it to Locks of Love ( Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis) fifteen months later it was time.
He had gone thru alot of people making rude comments on "when are you going to cut your hair?"... "you look like a hoodlum" and more,
which if I was around really mad me mad, its really none of there business how he wears his hair, and didn't anyone ever learn the saying..."if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"
well, he never said anything back, never told anyone why he was growing it...
so when I cut it Saturday, he was a little nervous, kinda got used to having long hair, I told him that if he didn't want to cut it short, ( you have to have 10inches to donate) that we could cut it the way he would like and he could just donate money to Locks of Love,
he replied, "Mom, anyone can donate money"
Lets just say I am extremely proud of this newly turned 19 year old...

I put it into small pony tails so I could measure 10",

and he let his brother cut the first one...

last one...
the ponies in the back were only 8", but the form said to send those in to, because they can sell that hair...

what a sweet handsome guy!!!!
and just to brag alittle more...

that night he and his two friends have a little band called
"Mostly Cowboy's
they played for free at a fundraiser for a girl who is raising money for a Liver transplant.

I am joining these parties...
Keeping it Simple's, Motivate Me Monday's
Between Naps on the Porch's, Metamorphis Monday
The Ironstone Nest's, Transformation Tuesday's
Savvy Southern Style's, Wow Us Wednesday's
The Shabby Creeks Cottage, Transformation Thursday's
My Romantic Homes, Show and Tell Friday's
The Charm of Home's, Home Sweet Home
At the Picket Fence's, Inspiration Friday


  1. Dang, he is a handsome lad, and with a heart of gold as well. No wonder you are one proud mama.

  2. What an awesome young man, made me cry.

  3. Wonderful haircut! He is a handsome young man!

  4. What a great kid! I love that : o )

  5. Hansome young man with a beautiful heart!


    1. Sorry for typing here but it is the only way i can leave a comment as there is no comment box underneath....
      I wanted to say wow what a great guy you have there and you must be so proud of him,with her and without he is a really handsome guy with a beautiful heart x

  6. OK...tearing up here! What a handsome young man your guy is...long hair or it either way. Love his HUGE HEART more! WOW!


  7. Your son have a big, big heart, and is a very handsome young man. You have so many reasons to be proud.

    Have a nice day


  8. Wow, what a special young man you have there. That's an awesome thing he did. My youngest son's GF just finished chemo last month, she graduated completely bald (I'll link my blog post about it if you'd like to see it). Your son has a big heart!

  9. oooo I love this post! I love long hair on a guy, but he looks great with it short...and what a wonderful story for his hair to tell!

  10. What a sweet and tender hearted young man you have... that is a wonderful thing to do. His short haircut is great... he is gorgeous!!! Happy 4th.

  11. Im with you why do people have to stick their nose where it does not belong...
    My niece did the same with her hair and her hair was pass her
    My daughter did the same with her hair which was also pass her back side....
    I think it's such a great cause, he is a great young man with a caring heart, And very handsome too.....


  12. You raised a great man. To be so young, he is very generous. I know you are so proud!

    Not many people, adults included would have done what your son has. It brightens my day and gives me hope for the future knowing there are those out there that care about the important things in life.

  13. what a handsome, generous, kind and of course, cool son!


  14. What a kind hearted, sweet and very handsome young man!

  15. What a lovely story ! So inspiring to see a very handsome, young man with a kind, loving, and generous heart....Such a rare combination. You must be so proud of him....

  16. Well you should be proud that you've raised such a thoughtful, caring young man!!! Oh, and handsome, too.

  17. What a nice and very giving thing for your son to do. He sure did have pretty hair. He is so cute with his new haircut. My three year old granddaughter cut her hair for locks of love several months ago. She told her mom that is what she wanted to do.

  18. Great kid. Great cause. Great job, mom!

  19. I know you must be extremly proud of your son. Isn't it funny how guys always have the prettiest hair and they basically do nothing to it! I think what he did is wonderful and sets a good example for others to follow.
    He's also a cutie.


  20. You have raised a very special son.
    My grat niece has received a wig made from
    donated hair. She was a patient wth ALL (leukemia).
    She was diagnosed when she was 7 1/2.

    So please thany your son for being such a very special
    young man.


  21. Your son is very handsome, with long or short hair, but, most important, he is such a sensitive person! You must be proud of him. I'll show your post to my daughters.
    Thanks for your visit, I'll come back to see all your vintage finds.
    Besos from Argentina, Silvina

  22. What a wonderful son, you must be so proud! That is amazing, not all kids have such noble actions. His Momma sure did raise him right!

  23. You have raised a wonderful son and I know you are proud!!

    He's sooooooooo handsome!!!!

    Happy Week!!!


  24. Oh this just made my whole day Stefanie. You have such an awesome boy...and so darn handsome too. As I was reading this and going through the photos, I was thinking 'oh don't cut that hair, he looks so cute' and then when you got done with the cut, I was blown away by how cute he is in short hair too.
    You have to be so proud of him and his heart. We have something in daughter has a country band as well. Don't you just love it when they use their talents to bless the lives of others?
    sending many hugs...

  25. What a great guy!
    My son is in a band and they did quite a few benefit concerts this past year!

  26. What a wonderful thing for your son to do!
    And he is quite the dapper gentleman...


  27. You have raised a most wonderful son. Congrats to both of you. It is easier said than done. I love country music. Wish I could have been at the concert.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  28. Impressive! I found out I have breast cancer, and I do not have to have chemo. My oncologist asked me if I was growing my hair for LoL. I wasn't because it is dyed. She said they will take it as long as it is not bleached underneath. I figure at my age--61--I can do it at least once. My daughter is doing it, too.

    So very proud of your son; you raised him well, Mom. Blogless Peggy

  29. What a handsome young man with a beautiful heart. You should be very proud of him. I donated to LoL once. I have considered doing it again, but always end up getting my hair cut.

  30. You truly have a son who you should be so proud

  31. I am in love with your son for his heart, for what he did, for what he is doing, I just love him so much!!! I'm old enough to be his grandma, but I'm still in love with him, with his heart! Thank him for me, from the bottom of my heart. My best friend grows hers and her 7-y-o daughter's hair and each year they cut it and send it to Locks of Love. I just really love all of you who can do that. BTW, saw your feature at Savvy Southern and had to hop over and see the details. Blessings and hugs ~ Mary

  32. Your son's face is way too handsome for that long hair anyway:) He is so cute with the new hair cut! Of course, his sweet heart also makes him handsome.

  33. popped over from a linky party and I just wanted to say your son is one awesome young man with a huge heart for others. He is quite handsome too...long hair or short. You should be very proud of him.Would love to feature his story on my blog.

  34. did he wear a ponytail
