
Monday, August 27, 2012

aging my dress form...

I love the color on these vintage dress forms...
and the print on them,
so I am going to age a dress form I found at a yard sale...
she is made of foam with a cloth covering...

some instant coffee in a spray bottle...

first squirt...

first coat drying...

this is after two coats.
already liking it!
I am going to keep adding until I think she is perfect...
stay tuned to see how she turns out!!!!

Between Naps on the Porch's, Metamorphis Monday's
Keeping it Simple's, Motivate Me Monday's
Boogie Board Cottage's, Masterpiece Monday's
Knick of Time's, Tuesday's
The Ironstone Nest's, Transformation Tuesdays
Coastal Charm's, Nifty Thrifty Tuesday's
French Country's Feathered Nest Friday's
My Romantic Homes, Show and Tell Friday's
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating's Flaunt it Fridays
The Charm of Home's, Home Sweet Home
Common Ground's, Vintage Inspiration Friday
At the Picket Fence's, Inspiration Friday
Stuff and Nonsense's, Friday's Unfolded
Rooted in Time's, Simple & Sweet Friday's
Shabby Art Boutique's, Shabbilicious Friday



  1. Great idea....
    My dress-form is old but not stained like I would like, so this is a brilliant idea I might have to use...
    Thanks for the tip!

  2. Perfect way to age your dress form!


  3. Wonderful Stefanie! Can't wait to see how they turn out. I hope you will stop by for a visit.

  4. She looks great! I would be afraid to try that! But that is part of the business taking risks right? Great idea dor aging stuff! Traci

  5. Cool! Are you going to age the wood too? Can't wait to see!

  6. That turned out great! How lucky to find that at a yard sale.I am still on the hunt! Joining you from between naps on the porch.

  7. I bet she smells really good as well........
    Excellent way to get an "antique" mannequin.


  8. good idea , I just found one at a resale shop and it's foam but not completely covered the top foam shows and a little around the bottom.

    I was thinking covering the foam with old patterns tissue paper with decapodge glue

    your looks much nicer than my project

  9. Thank you so much for sharing this creative tutorial on aging your mannequin on Simple & Sweet Fridays. It turned out perfect!

