
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

last show...

well I did a show this weekend, which was "ok" was a two day, and I was a little disappointed in the turnout...
so I sold a little, dang! that just meant I had to load it all back
so, I think this will be the last for this year, maybe next year.
it is soooooo much work to load and unload and to display....claps for all you amazing ladies who do this alot, I don't think people appreciate how much work you do!!!!

here are some pics I took of my booth....

don't these vintage soldiers have the cutest faces!!!!

lots of vintage ornaments...

some jewelry I made...

see my breadbox I showed earlier...

hate the blue!
I think every show is a learning experience...hahaha, I learned you have got to bribe your family with food, then they will help you!!!

I am joining these parties...
Knick of Time's, Tuesday's
The Farmhouse Porch, Cowgirl Up Link Party
Coastal Charms. Nifty Thrifty Tuesday's
The Ironstone Nest's, Transformation Tuesday's
The Shabby Creek Cottage's. Trasnsformation Thursday's
The Vintage Farmhouse's, Creative Things Thursday's
French Country's Feathered Nest Friday's
My Romantic Homes, Show and Tell Friday's
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating's Flaunt it Fridays
The Charm of Home's, Home Sweet Home
Common Ground's, Vintage Inspiration Friday
At the Picket Fence's, Inspiration Friday
Stuff and Nonsense's, Friday's Unfolded


  1. I have the same blue E Z up..I was just thinkn what would be inexpensive and flow well......that much burlap might be too much. I have a drop cloth and I m gonna try that next time to soften the look and maybe tie the 4 corners with burlap.....AS always I just LOVE your stuff!!!!

  2. I just love a bowl full of old Christmas balls!

  3. Hi Stefanie

    I can only imagine all of the hard work that you had put into the show. Everything looks great. Have a terrific week

  4. It sure looks inviting...just never know what folks are looking for! Just like at the shops.

  5. If I had have been there I would have bought up a storm. I ove it all ! lol

  6. Your booth looks awesome. Too bad the turnout wasn't that great. Love the vintage Santas and Shiny Brites!

  7. Love the cupcakes with the deer and ballerina. Did they sell? If not I would love to buy them.

  8. OMG! Your booth was amazing! I would have loved to shop your space if I lived closer!

  9. Food? I told my daughter I would pay her! : ) Sorry to hear it wasn't as good as you'd hoped. I have my first one coming up next weekend {the 18th} and I'm getting anxious now. I'm sure I won't sleep well all week thinking about it.

  10. Love your booth!! You should have been sold out with all the great stuff you have there!

  11. What wonderful things you had. I would have loved to shop at your booth!

