
Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I went to a ladies shed yesterday, you know, where they say they are getting rid of everything, and then.....
they don't want to sell
they want $400 for a dresser that is missing parts and has been in the shed for thirty years...hahaha!
I did find a couple things,
one is this chair, I swear, I think it is beautiful!!!!!

I love the cross on the back!

and the worn burlap!

but of course I can't keep it, I have no!! room,
so, I am going to take it to my booth to see if anyone see's the beauty that I see, and falls in love!!!!
so, should I leave it as is?

or tuck some succulants into the holes,

for a garden chair?
what do you think?

I am joining these parties....
Savvy Southern Style's, Wow Us Wednesday's
Ivy and Elephant's, What's It Wednesday's 
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olsen's, Share your cup Thursday's
The Shabby Creek Cottage's. Trasnsformation Thursday's
French Country's Feathered Nest Friday's
My Romantic Homes, Show and Tell Friday's
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating's Flaunt it Fridays
The Charm of Home's, Home Sweet Home
Common Ground's, Vintage Inspiration Friday
Rooted In Time's, Simple and Sweet Friday's


  1. It's stunning just the way it is! The little succulents are the perfect touch.

  2. Oh hard choice Stefanie. I love it's rustic charm for indoors. Although it would be sweet outside also. Just knowing that outdoor chairs eventually fall apart when planted. At least mine did, after quite a few years. I think I would leave as is. Thanks for sharing it with SYC.

  3. It is a beautiful find...I would leave it as is!

  4. What an adorable chair. I have to agree with another commenter that the chairs don't last too long outside. What I do like the succulents.
    Have a wonderful weekend,
    @ Eclectic Red Barn

  5. I would leave it as is, no succulents. Love it!! Becs

  6. Maybe it could go on an enclosed patio. My sturdy oak table (1908) warped and fell apart after only 6 mos outside. I'd love to see a cushion made from a burlap grain sack with a French transfer print sitting on it.

    Laura from

  7. Love the Chair ... Such a dilemma ..cause it's fabulous as it is but it could be fabulouse re-furbished too .. I don't know this is where I get confused when I have to make these sort of decisions .. LOL !!!

    So have you made your decision.. ??

    Blessings ..Sara
