
Monday, May 5, 2014

vintage screen door...

I found the perfect vintage screen door for the cottage...

and got it up in time for an after prom spot...

we set up some candy and desserts for the kids after the prom...

a little spot to enjoy the night...

senior prom...this year has gone way to fast!!!
my son and his girlfriend

I am joining these parties...

Knick of Time's, Tuesday's
Cozy Little House's, Tweak it Tuesday
Coastal Charms. Nifty Thrifty Tuesday's
Savvy Southern Style's, Wow Us Wednesday's
Ivy and Elephant's, What's It Wednesday's 
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olsen's, Share your cup Thursday's
The Shabby Creek Cottage's. Trasnsformation Thursday's
french Country's Feathered Nest Friday's
My Romantic HomesShow and Tell Friday's
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating's Flaunt it Fridays
The Charm of Home's, Home Sweet Home
Common Ground's, Vintage Inspiration Friday

Rooted In Time's, Simple and Sweet Friday's


  1. Your screen door is darling. And so is tge prom couple. She looks like a little mermaid. :)

  2. Even before I saw that it was your son I thought, "My what a good looking young man!" Only I truthfully said "boy". They are all boys to me. So sweet. So darling. We had a screen door like this when I was young... Guess that means I'm vintage. Yikes.

  3. What a great spot for the kids!!! What a great looking kid and he has great taste in women lol!


  4. Love the door and the kids are just darling! Or handsome in his case. lol! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  5. the door is the pink siding!

  6. What an adorable screen door! Everything is so lovely! This is my first time visiting your blog and I love your style~~~so excited to be a new follower. Your son and his girlfriend are a beautiful couple~~Blessings~~~Roxie

  7. Such a cute little door! Beautiful prom couple!
